Epinephrine, Adult Dosages




Cardiac Arrest: Epinephrine 1:10,000 – 1mg IV/IO push every 3-5 minutes. 

Anaphylaxis: Epinephrine 1:1,000 – 0.3 mg – 0.5 mg IM to lateral thigh,  may repeat every 15 minutes as needed.

Push Dose Epinephrine IV/IO – Dilute 0.1mg (1ml) of Epi 1:10,000 with 9ml of normal saline. Administer 10mcg (1ml) “pushes” IV/IO every 2-3 minutes to a target blood pressure of 90mmHg. 

Epinephrine 1:1,000 0 – 0.1 mg/kg to maximum single dose of 0.5 mg IM to lateral thigh, may repeat once in 20 minutes.

Severe Bradycardia and Hypotensive Shock State refractory to fluid resuscitation:  May consider Push Dose Epinephrine or and Epinephrine drip: 

Epinephrine Drip: Dilute 1mg Epinephrine 1:1,000 in 1,000cc of NS to mix a concentrate of 1mcg/ml.  Initial infusion rate 2mcg/minute titrated to the desired effect. (Average infusion dose range 2-10 mcg/minute). 

Push Dose Epinephrine: Dilute 0.1mg(1ml) of Epinephrine 1:10,000 with 9 ml of normal saline.  Administer 10mcg (1ml) “pushes” IV/IO every 2-3 minutes to a target blood pressure of 90mmHG. 


Complete NCEMS Epinephrine Protocol